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In this Chapter

  • Recommended folder structure
  • Configuring and Downloading CanJS
  • Application Bootstrap

Get the code for: chapter: setup

To begin, we’ll use an example project that has all of the dependencies required for the sample app that we’re going to build. The example project also has some CSS and images to make our example app a little bit more stylish. Download the example project, by getting the code for this chapter (see above).

Folder Structure

The example project has the following folder structure:

└── /
    ├── app.js
    ├── components
    ├── css
    ├── images
    ├── index.html
    ├── libs
    └── models

Let’s walk through each folder, and discuss it.

The app.js file is used to bootstrap our application. We’ll go over this in more detail below.

The components folder is where we’ll put all of the parts that make up our application. A component-based structure makes it easier to both manage and port our application's components (should you, for example, want to use a component in another application).

The css folder contains a style.css file that is used for the entire app. We would typically recommend putting any CSS files in their respective component folders, however we’ve only included one CSS file in this application for simplicity.

The images folder contains images that are used throughout the app. Again, if you had images that were specific to a component, we would recommend putting them in their respective component folder.

The index.html file is the HTML file that loads all of the app’s scripts and styles.

The libs folder contains all of the app’s JavaScript dependencies.

The models folder contains some JSON files that we will use as fake server responses and some JavaScript files that we’ll fill out later to mock an HTTP server.


Our application will have the following dependencies:

  • CanJS
  • jQuery
  • can.fixture


The easiest way to get CanJS is to use the custom download page, which allows you to download the specific parts of CanJS you need for your application.

The custom download page loads with all the elements in the core CanJS library already selected. We want all of those in our build, so leave them checked. CanJS relies on an external core library for some of its functionality. There are several options available (jQuery, Dojo, YUI, etc.). The default option is jQuery. That's what we’ll be working with here.

The right side of the page lists all of the plugins. From the list of plugins, select the following:

CanJS plugins to select

At the bottom of the page, clicking the download button will prompt you to download a file called can.custom.js, which you can save to your local machine.


The can.fixture dependency is special because, normally, you don't want it to be a part of your final application; however, it can be very helpful during development. can.fixture.js allows you to simulate RESTful services. You can download it here.


jQuery 2.x is also required. We downloaded the most recent version of jQuery and put the jquery.js file in the libs folder.


Our index.html file currently looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <head lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Place My Order</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"/>
    <!-- CanJS application root -->
    <div id="can-main"></div>
    <script src="libs/jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="libs/can.custom.js"></script>
    <script src="libs/can.fixture.js"></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>

At the bottom of the page, just before the closing body tag, are all of the script tags. We’re using the jQuery edition of CanJS, so the first script tag loaded must be jQuery. Following jQuery, we load can.custom.js.

Earlier, we mentioned including can.fixture.js. In a normal project, once you connected to the actual REST services, you would remove can.fixture.js. In addition, to simplify things, we’ve provided a complete CSS file for you.

Application Bootstrap

The app.js file is the script that will bootstrap our application. Edit the file as follows:

$(function () {
  $('#can-main').html('The Requisite "Hello World" Message');

If you open up your application in a browser, you should see:

The Requisite "Hello World" Message

At this point, we haven't done much. We aren't using CanJS at all yet. We’re just using jQuery to set the HTML contents of a DOM element.

So, how do we get the application to actually do something? Building apps with CanJS centers around building can.Component's. Read on to the next chapter to learn more.

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