Loading States

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  • Loading States

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Loading data from a remote server never happens immediately, so it’s a best practice to show some sort of indicator to improve the user’s experience. CanJS makes this easy with observable promises.

Now that we have the cities and states loading from our fixtures, let’s get a list of restaurants when a city is selected. Let’s start by modifying the components/restaurant_list/restaurant_list.js file. Find this line:

        // Restaurant code will go here

and replace it with these lines:

        restaurants: {
            get: function(){
                var city = this.attr('city'),
                    state = this.attr('state');

                return state && city ?
                        'address.state': state,
                        'address.city': city
                    }) : null;

Here, we’re adding a new restaurants property that is a promise returned by can.Model.findAll() (if a city and state are selected). This promise has a few properties:

  • isPending: indicates that the promise hasn’t been resolved or rejected
  • isResolved: indicates that the promise has been resolved
  • value: the value of the resolved promise

Now let’s make use of this new property and it’s attributes in our components/restaurant_list/restaurant_list.stache template. Find this line:

  <!-- Restaurants code will go here -->

and replace it with these lines:

  {{#if restaurants.isPending}}
  <div class="restaurant loading"></div>

  {{#if restaurants.isResolved}}
    {{#each restaurants.value}}
    <div class="restaurant">
      <img src="{{images.thumbnail}}" width="100" height="100">
      <div class="address">
        {{street}}<br />{{city}}, {{state}} {{zip}}

      <div class="hours-price">
        $$$<br />
        Hours: M-F 10am-11pm
        <span class="open-now">Open Now</span>

      <a class="btn" href="{{ routeUrl(page='restaurants' slug=slug) }}">Place My Order</a>
      <br />

You’ll notice the {{#if restaurants.isPending}} and {{#if restaurants.isResolved}} lines; the first is for showing a loading indicator while the restaurants are being loaded, and the second is for showing the list of restaurants once they’ve been fetched from the server (or in our case, from the fixtures). After they have, {{#each restaurants.value}} iterates over the list of restaurants to show them on the page.

Speaking of fixtures, let’s modify our models/fixtures.js file. Add the following lines:

can.fixture('GET /api/restaurants', 'models/restaurants.json');
can.fixture('GET /api/restaurants/{_id}', 'models/spago.json');

The first line will let us make a GET request to /api/restaurants to fetch the list of restaurants. The second line will return data for a specific restaurant. Normally, this would be dynamic, depending on which restaurant we want info for. For simplicity, however, we’re responding with the same fixture data regardless of which restaurant is requested.

Go ahead and refresh the Restaurants page in your browser. Now, we can select a state, a city, and then immediately see a list of restaurants!

Restaurant list

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