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In this Chapter

  • Constructors in CanJS
  • The extend function
  • The init function

Before we work with any of the objects in CanJS, it will be helpful for us to understand can.Construct. We won’t be working with can.Construct directly. However, many of the objects in CanJS are derived from can.Construct. Understanding it will make it easier for you to understand other concepts we’re going to cover.

can.Construct provides a way to easily use the power of prototypal inheritance without worrying about hooking up all the particulars yourself. Without going into exhaustive detail, can.Construct contains a few functions we’ll encounter frequently in other objects:

  • Prototype
    • init
  • Static
    • extend

We’ll look at the extend function first.

The extend function

can.Construct’s extend function is used to create “constructor functions” that inherit from the base constructor function. To create a constructor function of your own, call can.Construct with the:

  • staticProperties that are attached directly to the constructor, and
  • instance prototypeProperties.

can.Construct sets up the prototype chain so subclasses can be further extended and sub-classed as far as you like:

var Order = can.Construct.extend({
  init: function(){},

  customer: function() { ... },
  needAddress: function( account ) {
    return false;

var CarryOutOrder = Order.extend({
  needAddress: function( account ) {
    return account.hasAddress();

If only one set of properties is passed to can.Construct, it's assumed to be the prototype properties. If two sets of properties are passed, the first argument are static properties, the second argument are prototype properties.

  // Static properties here
}, {
  // Blank object as second parameter

This example is highlighted because calling a can.Construct with two parameters, the last of which is an empty object, is common. Also common is the mistake of ommitting the last parameter of the call, which can lead to unexpected behavior.

The init function

When a constructor is called with the new keyword, can.Construct creates the instance and calls init with the arguments passed to new Constructor(...). init is where initialization code should go. Inside of the init function, the this keyword will refer to the new object instance created by the constructor. Additionaly, this will contain the instance properties you pass to the constructor. A common thing to do in init is save the arguments passed into the constructor. An example is below:

var Order = can.Construct.extend({
  init: function(price, item) {
    this.price = price;
    this.item = item;

var order = new Order(20, 'Green Eggs & Ham');

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