
  • typedef



The options argument passed to a helper function.



  1. fn {sectionRenderer(context, helpers)}Optional

    Provided if a section helper is called. Call fn to render the BLOCK with the specified context.

  2. inverse {sectionRenderer(context, helpers)}Optional

    Provided if a section helper is called with {{else}}. Call inverse to render the INVERSE with the specified context.

  3. hash {Object<String,* | String | Number>}

    An object containing all of the final arguments listed as name=value pairs for the helper.

    {{helper arg1 arg2 name=value other=3 position="top"}}
    options.hash = {
        name: <context_lookup>.value,
        other: 3,
        position: "top"
  4. context {*}

    The current context the mustache helper is called within.

    var temp = can.mustache(
    var data = {person: {name: {first: "Justin"}}};
    can.mustache.registerHelper("helper", function(options){
      options.context === data.person //-> true
  5. scope {can.view.Scope}

    An object that represents the current context and all parent contexts. It can be used to look up key values in the current scope.

    var temp = can.mustache(
    var data = {person: {name: {first: "Justin"}}};
    can.mustache.registerHelper("helper", function(options){
      options.scope.attr("first")   //-> "Justin"
      options.scope.attr("person")  //-> data.person
  6. options {can.view.Options}

    An object that represents the local mustache helpers. It can be used to look up key values

    var temp = can.mustache(
    var data = {person: {name: {first: "Justin"}}};
    can.mustache.registerHelper("helper", function(options){
      options.options.attr("helpers.specialHelper")   //-> function(){ ... }
    temp(data, {
      specialHelper: function(){ ... }