
  • function

list.then( doneFilter, [failFilter] )

Add handlers to be called when the list is resolved or rejected. This works very similar to jQuery's done.


  1. doneFilter {function(list)}

    A function that is called when the list's promise is resolved. It will be called with the list instance. If the function returns a value it will be used to resolve the promise returned by .then.

  2. failFilter {function(reason)}Optional

    A function that is called when the list's promise is rejected. It will be called with the reason. If the function returns a value it will be used to reject the promise returned by .then.



A new promise that will be resolved and rejected based upon what doneFilter and fileFilter return.


var data = new can.Deferred();
var list = new can.List(data);

var sumDef = list.then(function(l){
  var sum = 0;
  l.each(function(num){ sum += num; });
  return sum;

data.resolved([1,2, 3]);

  value //-> 6