
  • function

observe.validate(attrNames, [options,] validateProc)


  1. attrNames {Array<String>}

    Attribute name(s) to to validate

  2. options {Object}Optional

    Options for the validations. Valid options include 'message' and 'testIf'.

  3. validateProc {function(value, attrName)}

    Function used to validate each given attribute. Returns nothing if valid and an error message otherwise. Function is called in the instance context and takes the value and attrName to validate.

    validate(attrNames, [options,] validateProc(value, attrName) ) validates each of the specified attributes with the given validateProc function. The function should return a value if there is an error. By default, the return value is the error message. Validations should be set in the Constructor's static init method.

The following example validates that a person's age is a number:

Person = can.Map.extend({
     init : function(){
         this.validate(["age"], function(val){
             if( typeof val === 'number' ){
                 return "must be a number"

The error message can be overwritten with options message property:

Person = can.Map.extend({
     init : function(){
         {message: "must be a number"},
                 if( typeof val === 'number' ){
                     return true