• property

{can.compute(getterSetter, context)}


Specify an attribute that is computed from other attributes.

can.compute(getterSetter, context)

A compute that reads values on instances of the map and returns a derived value. The compute may also be a getter-setter compute and able to be passed a value.


When extending can.Map, if a prototype property is a can.compute it will setup that compute to behave like a normal attribute. This means that it can be read and written to with attr and bound to with bind.

The following example makes a fullName attribute on Person maps:

var Person = can.Map.extend({
    fullName: can.compute(function(){
        return this.attr("first") + " " + this.attr("last")

var me = new Person({first: "Justin", last: "Meyer"})

me.attr("fullName") //-> "Justin Meyer"

me.bind("fullName", function(ev, newValue, oldValue){
    newValue //-> Brian Moschel
    oldValue //-> Justin Meyer

me.attr({first: "Brian", last: "Moschel"})

Getter / Setter computes

A compute's setter will be called if attr is used to set the compute-property's value.

The following makes fullName able to set first and last:

var Person = can.Map.extend({
    fullName: can.compute(function(newValue){
        if( arguments.length ) {
            var parts = newValue.split(" ");
                first: parts[0],
                last:  parts[1]
        } else {
            return this.attr("first") + " " + this.attr("last");

var me = new Person({first: "Justin", last: "Meyer"})

me.attr("fullName", "Brian Moschel")
me.attr("first") //-> "Brian"
me.attr("last")  //-> "Moschel"


can.mustache and can.ejs will automatically convert any function read in the template to a can.compute. So, simply having a fullName function like:

var Person = can.Map.extend({
    fullName: function(){
        return this.attr("first") + " " + this.attr("last")
var me = new Person({first: "Justin", last: "Meyer"})

Will already be live-bound if read in a template like:

// or
<%= me.attr("fullName") %>

The setter plugin can also provide similar functionality as Getter/Setter computes.