
  • constructor
can/map/lazy 2.1
inherits: can.Map

Create observable objects that initialize on demand.

new can.LazyLazyMap([props])

Creates a new instance of can.LazyMap.


  1. props {Object}Optional

    Properties and values to initialize the Map with.



An instance of can.LazyMap with the properties from props.

Just like can.Map, can.LazyMap provides a way to listen for and keep track of changes to objects. But unlike Map, a LazyMap only initializes data when bound, set or read. For lazy observable arrays, can.LazyList is also available.

This on demand initialization of nested data can yield big performance improvements when using large datasets that are deeply nested data where only a fraction of the properties are accessed or bound to.

Limitations of Lazy Maps

Although passing all original can.Map and can.List tests, can.LayzMap and can.LazyList do not work with the attributes, setter, delegate, backup and validations plugins.

Additionallly, If all properties of a LazyMap or LazyList are being read, bound or set, initialization time can be slightly higher than using a Map or List.

Working with LazyMaps

can.LazyMap and can.LazyList are API compatible with can.Map and can.List.

To create a LazyMap, use new can.LazyMap([props]). Properties should be read or set using attr, never directly.

// chores is just a normal Array initially
var lazyPerson = new can.LazyMap({
  name: 'Bob',
  chores: ['dishes', 'garbage']

lazyPerson.attr('chores') // Now chores is a can.List

See Also

For information on manipulating attributes, see attr. To see what events are fired on property changes and how to listen for those events see bind.