
  • typedef



Defines the type, initial value, and get, set, and remove behavior for an attribute of a can.Map.



  1. value {value() | *}

    Specifies the initial value of the attribute or a function that returns the initial value. For example, a default value of 0 can be specified like:

    define: {
      prop: {
        value: 0

    Object types should not be specified directly on value because that same object will be shared on every instance of the Map. Instead, a value function that returns a fresh copy can be provided:

    define: {
      prop: {
        value: function(){
          return {foo: "bar"}
  2. Value {function()}

    Specifies a function that will be called with new whose result is set as the initial value of the attribute. For example, if the default value should be a can.List:

    define: {
      prop: {
        Value: can.List
  3. type {type(newValue, attrName) | String}

    Specifies the type of the attribute. The type can be specified as either a type function that returns the type coerced value or one of the following strings:

    • "string" - Converts the value to a string.
    • "date" - Converts the value to a date or `null if the date can not be converted.
    • "number" - Passes the value through parseFloat.
    • "boolean" - Converts falsey, "false" or "0" to false and everything else to true.
    • "*" - Prevents the default type coersion of converting Objects to can.Maps and Arrays to can.Lists.

    The following example converts the count property to a number and the items property to an array:

     define: {
       count: {type: "number"},
       items: {
         type: function(newValue){
           if(typeof newValue === "string") {
             return newValue.split(",")
           } else if( can.isArray(newValue) ) {
             return newValue;
  4. Type {function()}

    A constructor function that takes the value passed to attr as the first argument and called with new. For example, if you want whatever gets passed to go through new Array(newValue) you can do that like:

    define: {
      items: {
        Type: Array

    If the value passed to attr is already an Array, it will be left as is.

  5. set {set(newVal, setValue)}

    A set function that specifies what should happen when an attribute is set on a can.Map. set is called with the result of type or Type. The following defines a page setter that updates the map's offset:

    define: {
      page: {
        set: function(newVal){
          this.attr('offset', (parseInt(newVal) - 1) * 
  6. get {get()}

    A function that specifies how the value is retrieved. The get function is converted to an async compute. It should derive its value from other values on the map. The following defines a page getter that reads from a map's offset and limit:

    define: {
      page: {
        get: function (newVal) {
          return Math.floor(this.attr('offset') / 
                            this.attr('limit')) + 1;

    A get definition makes the property computed which means it will not be serialized by default.

  7. remove {remove()}

    A function that specifies what should happen when an attribute is removed with removeAttr. The following removes a modelId when makeId is removed:

    define: {
      makeId: {
        remove: function(){
  8. serialize {serialize(value, attr) | Boolean}

    Specifies the behavior of the property when serialize is called.

    By default, serialize does not include computed values. Properties with a get definition are computed and therefore are not added to the result. Non-computed properties values are serialized if possible and added to the result.

    Paginate = can.Map.extend({
      define: {
        pageNum: {
          get: function(){ return this.offset() / 20 }
    p = new Paginate({offset: 40});
    p.serialize() //-> {offset: 40}

    If true is specified, computed properties will be serialized and added to the result.

    Paginate = can.Map.extend({
      define: {
        pageNum: { 
          get: function(){ return this.offset() / 20 },
          serialize: true
    p = new Paginate({offset: 40});
    p.serialize() //-> {offset: 40, pageNum: 2}

    If false is specified, non-computed properties will not be added to the result.

    Paginate = can.Map.extend({
      define: {
        offset: {
          serialize: false
    p = new Paginate({offset: 40});
    p.serialize() //-> {}

    If a serialize function is specified, the result of the function is added to the result.

    Paginate = can.Map.extend({
      define: {
        offset: {
          serialize: function(offset){
            return (offset / 20)+1
    p = new Paginate({offset: 40});
    p.serialize() //-> {offset: 3}