
  • module

<can-import from="MODULE_NAME"/>


  1. MODULE_NAME {moduleName}Optional

    A module that this template depends on.


A template might depend on component or helper modules. <can-import> allows you to specify these dependencies.


<can-import from="components/my_tabs"/>
<can-import from="helpers/prettyDate"/>

  <my-panel title="{{prettyDate start}}">...</my-panel>
  <my-panel title="{{prettyDate end}}">...</my-panel>

Currently this only works with can.autorender or the system plugin.

Progressive Loading

A template may load or conditionally load a module after the initial page load. <can-import> allows progressive loading by using an end tag.

The first example below shows a component being loaded ad hoc. The second illustrates conditionally loading modules based on some application state.


<can-import from="components/home"></can-import>
{{#eq location 'home'}}
<can-import from="components/home"></can-import>

{{#eq location 'away'}}
<can-import from="components/away"></can-import>

static & dynamic import


These are imports that are direct dependencies of a template.


<can-import from="mymodule"/>

which is equivalent to a ES6 import like:

import from "mymodule";


These are conditional imports, things you only want to import in certain situations. Like described before in section "Progressive Loading".

<can-import from="components/foobar">
  {{#if isResolved}}

which is equivalent to a stealJS import like:

System.import('components/foobar').then(function(foobar) {
 // access to the module you loaded.
 // e.g. access to a component's ViewModel 
 // foobar.ViewModel

Please notice that when dynamically importing modules in a stache file, the scope inside <can-import> is a Promise, so you have to wait until it is resolved. Use the {{#if isResolved}} helper for that.

The recommended way to progressively load modules with StealJS is to use the @loader module provided by steal. For more information see http://stealjs.com/docs/@loader.html

working with modules

With the new CanJS binding syntax introduced in 2.3 you can use can-import to work with modules like in ES6 or CJS. For example we have a ES6 module: mymodule.js

let test = "default export value";
export function doMath(number1, number2) {
    return parseInt(number1, 10) + parseInt(number2, 10);
export default test;

One way is to import the module within the reference scope: app.js

import canStache from 'can/view/stache/stache';

var renderer = canStache('' +
                '<can-import from="mymodule" {^value}="*module"/>' +
                'Modules default: {{*module.default}}' +
                'Modules doMath: {{*module.doMath("2","3")}}');

The other way is to import the module into the template's data. app.js

import canStache from 'can/view/stache/stache';
import 'can/map/define/define';
import canMap from 'can/map/map';

let TemplateData = canMap.extend({
    define: {
        doMath: {
            value: function(){}
        module: {
            value: ""
var renderer = canStache('' +
                '<can-import from="src/bar" {^value@doMath}="doMath" {^value.default}="module"/>' +
                'Module default: {{module}}' +
                'Module doMath: {{doMath("2","3")}}');

$('body').append(renderer(new TemplateData()));

As you may notice, you have to define a can.Map with predefined attributes. The best way to do that is to use the define plugin. To load a function from a module you have to use the @ operator. For more information see the documentation


can-tag allows for injecting a component, using the imported promise as the injected component's view model.

The example below shows a loading graphic until the cart component has been loaded. Once the cart promise is resolved, <shopping-cart></shopping-cart> is injected into the page.

Loading Indicator Component

  tag: "loading-indicator",
  template: can.stache("{{#isResolved}}<content/>{{else}}<img src="loading.gif"/>{{/isResolved}}")

Main Template

<can-import from="cart" can-tag="loading-indicator">