
  • property



Options used to configure a control.


The this.options property is an Object that contains configuration data passed to a control when it is created (new can.Control(element, options)).

In the following example, an options object with a message is passed to a Greeting control. The Greeting control changes the text of its element to the options' message value.

var Greeting = can.Control.extend({
  init: function(){
    this.element.text( this.options.message )  

new Greeting("#greeting",{message: "I understand this.options"})

The options argument passed when creating the control is merged with defaults in setup.

In the following example, if no message property is provided, the defaults' message property is used.

var Greeting = can.Control.extend({
  defaults: {
    message: "Defaults merged into this.options"
  init: function(){
    this.element.text( this.options.message )  

new Greeting("#greeting")