
  • property



The element the Control is associated with.


The control instance's HTMLElement (or window) wrapped by the util library for ease of use. It is set by the first parameter to new can.Construct( element, options ) in setup. By default, a control listens to events on this.element.

Quick Example

The following HelloWorld control sets the control`s text to "Hello World":

HelloWorld = can.Control({
  init: function(){
       this.element.text( 'Hello World' );

// create the controller on the element
new HelloWorld( document.getElementById( '#helloworld' ) );

Wrapped NodeList

this.element is a wrapped NodeList of one HTMLELement (or window). This is for convenience in libraries like jQuery where all methods operate only on a NodeList. To get the raw HTMLElement, write:

this.element[0] //-> HTMLElement

The following details the NodeList used by each library with an example of updating its text:

jQuery jQuery( HTMLElement )

this.element.text("Hello World")

Zepto Zepto( HTMLElement )

this.element.text("Hello World")

Dojo new dojo.NodeList( HTMLElement )

this.element.text("Hello World")

Mootools $$( HTMLElement )

this.element.empty().appendText("Hello World")


this.element.set("text", "Hello World")

Changing this.element

Sometimes you don't want what's passed to new can.Control to be this.element. You can change this by overwriting setup or by unbinding, setting this.element, and rebinding.

Overwriting Setup

The following Combobox overwrites setup to wrap a select element with a div. That div is used as this.element. Notice how destroy sets back the original element.

Combobox = can.Control({
  setup: function( el, options ) {
     this.oldElement = $( el );
     var newEl = $( '<div/>' );
     this.oldElement.wrap( newEl );
     can.Control.prototype.setup.call( this, newEl, options );
  init: function() {
     this.element //-> the div
  ".option click": function() {
    // event handler bound on the div
  destroy: function() {
     var div = this.element; //save reference
     can.Control.prototype.destroy.call( this );
     div.replaceWith( this.oldElement );

unbinding, setting, and rebinding.

You could also change this.element by calling can.Control.prototype.off, setting this.element, and then calling on like:

move: function( newElement ) {
   this.element = $( newElement );