
  • function

Deprecated 2.1

Use can.mustache instead.

can.mustache( [id,] template )

Register a Mustache template string and create a renderer function.

var renderer = can.mustache("<h1>{{message}}</h1>");
renderer({message: "Hello"}) //-> docFrag[ <h1>Hello</h1> ]


  1. id {String}Optional

    An optional ID for the template.

    can.view("greet",{message: "Hello"}) //-> docFrag[<h1>Hello</h1>]
  2. template {String}

    A Mustache template in string form.


{renderer(data, helpers)}

A renderer function that takes data and helpers.

can.mustache([id,] template) registers an Mustache template string for a given id programatically. The following registers myStache and renders it into a documentFragment.

 can.viewmustache('myStache', '<h2>{{message}}</h2>');

 var frag = can.view('myStache', {
    message : 'Hello there!'

 frag // -> <h2>Hello there!</h2>

To convert the template into a render function, just pass the template. Call the render function with the data you want to pass to the template and it returns the documentFragment.

var renderer = can.mustache('<div>{{message}}</div>');
    message : 'Mustache'
}); // -> <div>Mustache</div>