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Creates callback functions that have this set correctly.

can.Construct.proxy(callback, [...args])

Creates a static callback function that has this set to an instance of the constructor function.


  1. callback {function() | String | Array<function() | String>}

    The function or functions to proxy.

    Passing a single function returns a function bound to the constructor.

    var Animal = can.Construct.extend({
        init: function(name) {
   = name;
        speak: function (words) {
            console.log( + ' says: ' + words);
    var dog = new Animal("Gertrude");
    // Passing a function
    var dogDance = dog.proxy(function(dance){
        console.log( + ' loves dancing the ' + dance);
    dogDance('hokey pokey'); // Gertrude loves dancing the hokey pokey

    Passing an array of functions returns a function that when executed will call the functions in order applying the returned values from the previous function onto the next function.

    // Passing an array of functions
    var dogCount = dog.proxy([
        function (start){
            return [start, start + 1];
        function(start, next) {
            console.log(start + ' ' + next);
            return [start, next, next + 1];
        function(start, next, last) {
            console.log(start + ' ' + next + ' ' + last);
    dogCount(3); // 3, 3 4, 3 4 5

    In either case a string can be passed instead of a function and this will be used to look the function up on the constructor

    var dogTalk = dog.proxy('speak');
    dogTalk('This is crAAaaaaAAzzzyyy'); // Gertrude says: This is crAAaaaaAAzzzyyy
  2. args {*}

    Any number of arguments to be partially applied to the first function. Continuing from the example above:

    var func = function(feeling, thing){
        console.log( + ' ' + feeling + ' ' + thing);
    // Passing one argument (partial application)
    var dogLoves = dog.proxy(func, 'loves');
    dogLoves('cupcakes!'); // Gertrude loves cupcakes!
    // Passing many arguments
    var dogHateUnicorns = dog.proxy(func, 'hates', 'unicorns');
    dogHateUnicorns(); // Gertrude hates unicorns



a function that calls callback with the same context as the current context

Partially applying parameters

If you pass more than one parameter to proxy, the additional parameters will be passed as parameters to the callback before any parameters passed to the proxied function.

Here is a simple example of this:

var Animal = can.Construct.extend({
    init: function(name) { = name;
var dog = new Animal("Gertrude");

var func = function(feeling, thing){
    console.log( + ' ' + feeling + ' ' + thing);

// Passing one argument (partial application)
var dogLoves = dog.proxy(func, 'loves');
dogLoves('cupcakes!'); // Gertrude loves cupcakes!

Piping callbacks and currying arguments

If you pass an array of functions and strings as the first parameter to proxy, proxy will call the callbacks in sequence, passing the return value of each as a parameter to the next. This is useful to avoid having to curry callbacks.

Here's a simple example of this:

var Animal = can.Construct.extend({});
var dog = new Animal();

// Passing an array of functions
var dogCount = dog.proxy([
    function (start){
        return [start, start + 1];
    function(start, next) {
        console.log(start + ' ' + next);
        return [start, next, next + 1];
    function(start, next, last) {
        console.log(start + ' ' + next + ' ' + last);

dogCount(3); // 3, 3 4, 3 4 5

proxy on constructors

can.Construct.proxy also adds proxy to the constructor, so you can use it in static functions with the constructor as this.

Here's a counter construct that keeps its count staticly and increments after one second:

var DelayedStaticCounter = can.Construct.extend({
    setup: function() {
        this.count = 0;
    incrementSoon: function() {
        setTimeout(this.proxy(function() {
        }), 1000);
}, {});


See also

can.proxy is a way to proxy callbacks outside of can.Constructs.