
  • function

can.Construct.extend([name,] [staticProperties,] instanceProperties)

Extends can.Construct, or constructor functions derived from can.Construct, to create a new constructor function. Example:

var Animal = can.Construct.extend({
  sayHi: function(){
var animal = new Animal()


  1. name {String}Optional

    Creates the necessary properties and objects that point from the window to the created constructor function. The following:


    creates a company object on window if it does not find one, a project object on company if it does not find one, and it will set the Constructor property on the project object to point to the constructor function.

    Finally, it sets "company.project.Constructor" as fullName and "Constructor" as shortName.

  2. staticProperties {Object}Optional

    Properties that are added the constructor function directly. For example:

    var Animal = can.Construct.extend({
      findAll: function(){
        return can.ajax({url: "/animals"})
    },{}); // need to pass an empty instanceProperties object
    Animal.findAll().then(function(json){ ... })

    The static setup method can be used to specify inheritable behavior when a Constructor function is created.

  3. instanceProperties {Object}

    Properties that belong to instances made with the constructor. These properties are added to the constructor's prototype object. Example:

    var Animal = can.Construct.extend({
      findAll: function() {
        return can.ajax({url: "/animals"});
      init: function(name) {
        this.name = name;
      sayHi: function() {
        console.log(this.name," says hai!");
    var pony = new Animal("Gertrude");
    pony.sayHi(); // "Gertrude says hai!"

    The init and setup properties are used for initialization.



The constructor function.

var Animal = can.Construct.extend(...);
var pony = new Animal(); // Animal is a constructor function


Creating "subclasses" with can.Construct is simple. All you need to do is call the base constructor with the new function's static and instance properties. For example, we want our Snake to be an Animal, but there are some differences:

var Snake = Animal.extend({
    legs: 0
}, {
    init: function() {
        Animal.prototype.init.call(this, 'ssssss');
    slither: function() {

var baslisk = new Snake();
baslisk.speak();   // "ssssss"
baslisk.slither(); // "slithering..."
baslisk instanceof Snake;  // true
baslisk instanceof Animal; // true

Static properties and inheritance

If you pass all three arguments to can.Construct, the second one will be attached directy to the constructor, allowing you to imitate static properties and functions. You can access these properties through the this.constructor property.

Static properties can get overridden through inheritance just like instance properties. In the example below, we override both the legs static property as well as the the init function for each instance:

var Animal = can.Construct.extend({
    legs: 4
}, {
    init: function(sound) {
        this.sound = sound;
    speak: function() {

var Snake = Animal.extend({
    legs: 0
}, {
    init: function() {
        this.sound = 'ssssss';
    slither: function() {

Animal.legs; // 4
Snake.legs; // 0
var dog = new Animal('woof');
var blackMamba = new Snake();
dog.speak(); // 'woof'
blackMamba.speak(); // 'ssssss'