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Sort a can.List and keep it that way.


The sort plugin makes it easy to define and maintain how items are arranged in a can.List. To use it, set a comparator attr on a can.List. It can be a String or a Function.

var cart = new can.List([
    { title: 'Bread', price: 4.00 },
    { title: 'Butter', price: 3.50 },
    { title: 'Juice', price: 3.05 }
cart; // -> [Juice, Butter, Bread]

Setting a comparator will sort the list immediately. But what's really nice is that if your list is being listened to, it will automatically sort when any of its items are changed:

var cart = new can.List([
    { title: 'Juice', price: 3.05 }
    { title: 'Butter', price: 3.50 },
    { title: 'Bread', price: 4.00 }
cart.bind("length", function(){});
cart; // -> [Butter, Bread, Juice]

And it will keep sort order when items are pushed, unshifted, or spliced into the can.List:

var cart = new can.List([
    { title: 'Juice', price: 3.05 }
    { title: 'Butter', price: 3.50 },
    { title: 'Bread', price: 4.00 }
cart.bind("length", function(){});
cart.push({title: 'Apple', 3.25});
cart; // -> [Juice, Apple, Butter, Bread]

If you are using a can.List in a template, it will be bound to automatically. Check out this demo that lets you change the sort order and a person's name:

Function Comparators

When a String is defined the default comparator function arranges the items in ascending order. To customize the sort behavior, define your own comparator function.

var stockPrices = new can.List([
    0.01, 0.98, 0.75, 0.12, 0.05, 0.16
stockPrices.attr("comparator", function (a, b) {
    return a === b ? 0 : a < b ? 1 : -1; // Descending
stockPrices // -> [0.98, 0.75, 0.16, 0.12, 0.05, 0.01];

String Comparators

String comparators will be passed to [can.List.attr] to retrieve the values being compared.

var table = new can.List([
    [6, 3, 4],
    [1, 8, 2],
    [7, 9, 5]
table.attr('comparator', '2')
table  // -> [1, 8, 2],
             [6, 3, 4],
             [7, 9, 5]

Move events

Whenever there are changes to items in the can.List, the sort plugin moves the item to the correct index and fires a "move" event.

var cart = new can.List([
    { title: 'Bread', price: 3.00 },
    { title: 'Butter', price: 3.50 },
    { title: 'Juice', price: 3.25 }

cart.bind('move', function (ev, item, newIndex, oldIndex) {
    console.log('Moved:', item.title + ', from:', oldIndex + ', to:', newIndex);

cart.attr('0.price', 4.00); // Moved: Bread, from: 0, to: 3
                            // -> [Juice, Butter, Bread]