Getting Started

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This tutorial will walk you though the basics of CanJS by building a small to-do app with CanJS and jQuery like this:

Loading CanJS

The first step is to get and install CanJS. In this tutorial we will be using the [using-standalone standalone] version from our CDN (and jQuery from the Google API CDN) so an index.html like this will get you started:

    <title>CanJS Tutorial</title>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function() {
            // Your tutorial code here

Get started

To get started, click Constructs in the navigation to the left, or you can watch the video version.

You can also take a look around and see some nifty recipes for building functionality with CanJS, check out our API, or dive right in and poke around the annotated source for CanJS.