
  • function



Render blocks of text one or more times, depending on the value of the key in the current context.


  1. key {key}

    A key that references a value within the current or parent context. If the value is a function or can.compute, the function's return value is used.



Depending on the value's type, the following actions happen:

  • Array or can.List - the block is rendered for each item in the array. The context is set to the item within each block rendering.
  • A truthy value - the block is rendered with the context set to the value.
  • A falsey value - the block is not rendered.

The rendered result of the blocks, block or an empty string is returned.

Sections contain text blocks and evaluate whether to render it or not. If the object evaluates to an array it will iterate over it and render the block for each item in the array. There are four different types of sections.

Falseys or Empty Arrays

If the value returns a false, undefined, null, "" or [] we consider that a falsey value.

If the value is falsey, the section will NOT render the block.

  friends: false

  Never shown!


If the value is a non-empty array, sections will iterate over the array of items, rendering the items in the block.

For example, a list of friends will iterate over each of those items within a section.

    friends: [
        { name: "Austin" },
        { name: "Justin" }


would render:


Reminder: Sections will reset the current context to the value for which it is iterating. See the basics of contexts for more information.


When the value is a non-falsey object but not a list, it is considered truthy and will be used as the context for a single rendering of the block.

    friends: { name: "Jon" }

    Hi {{name}}

would render:

Hi Jon!