
  • function

Deprecated 2.1

Prior to 2.1, .models was used to convert the ajax responses into a data format useful for converting them into an observable list AND for converting them into that list. In 2.1, parseModels should be used to convert the ajax responses into a data format useful to models.

Convert raw data into can.Model instances. Merge data with items in the store if matches are found.

can.Model.models(data[, oldList])


  1. data {Array<Object>}

    The raw data from a findAll() request.

  2. oldList {can.Model.List}Optional

    If supplied, this List will be updated with the data from data.



A List of Models made from the raw data.


.models(data) is used to create a can.Model.List of can.Model instances with the data provided. If an item in data matches an instance in the [], that instance will be merged with the item's data and inserted in the list.

For example

Task = can.Model.extend({},{})

var t1 = new Task({id: 1, name: "dishes"});

// Binding on a model puts it in the store. t1.bind("change", function(){})

var tasks = Task.models([ {id: 1, name : "dishes", complete : false}, {id: 2, name: "laundry", complete: true} ])

t1 === tasks.attr(0) //-> true t1.attr("complete") //-> false