
  • typedef

{function(request, response, requestHeaders)}


Specifies the response of a fixture. Used in can.fixture.

function(request, response, requestHeaders)


  1. request {can.AjaxSettings}

    The ajax settings object that was passed to can.ajax or a jQuery ajax method. Any templated portions of the url passed to can.fixture are added as data to For example, calling:


    With the following fixture:

    can.fixture("/todos/:id", function(request, response){ })
 will be 5.

  2. response {responseHandler(status, statusText, responses, headers)}Optional

    Optionally called to specify the response of the fixture.

  3. requestHeaders {Object<String,String>}

    A map of request headers specified by can.ajax's headers property.


{* | undefined}

If a value is returned, it is used as a JSON response body. If nothing is returned, it's expected that responseHandler was used.


requestHandler functions are passed to can.fixture like:

can.fixture("GET /something", function(request, response, headers){ })

These functions are called with:

  • request - The options provided to the ajax method, unmodified, and thus, without defaults from ajaxSettings.
  • response - The response callback.
  • headers - A map of key/value request headers.

Specify the result of the Ajax request by either returning the result within the requestHandler or calling response.

Returning the result directly

Return the data result of an Ajax request directly within a requestHandler. For example:

can.fixture("GET /something", function() {
  return { foo: "bar" };

// example code that uses the previous fixture
$.get("GET /something",function(data){ //-> "bar"

Calling response to specify the result

The response callback passed to a requestHandler can be used to specify all values in a response. For example:

can.fixture("GET /something", function( request, response ) {
    { json: {foo: "bar"} },
      location: "foo/bar"

// example code that uses the previous fixture
$.get("GET /something",function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){   //-> "bar"
  textStatus //-> "success"
  jqXHR.getResponseHeader("location") //-> "foo/bar"

The response callback can also be called with just a single JSON object for the common case where you want a successful response with JSON data:

can.fixture("/foobar.json", function(request, response){
  response({ foo: "bar" });

If you want to return an array of data respond like this:

  function(request, response){
    response([ "first", "second", "third"]);