
  • function

Retrieve multiple resources from a server.

can.Model.findAll( params[, success[, error]] )

Retrieve multiple resources from a server.


  1. params {Object}

    Values to filter the request or results with.

  2. success {function(list)}Optional

    A callback to call on successful retrieval. The callback recieves a can.Model.List of the retrieved resources.

  3. error {function(xhr)}Optional

    A callback to call when an error occurs. The callback receives the XmlHttpRequest object.



A deferred that resolves to a can.Model.List of retrieved models.

can.Model.findAll: findAllData( params ) -> deferred

Implements findAll with a function. This function is passed to makeFindAll to create the external findAll method.

findAll: function(params){
  return $.get("/tasks",params)


  1. findAllData {findAllData(params)}

    A function that accepts parameters specifying a list of instance data to retrieve and returns a can.Deferred that resolves to an array of those instances.

can.Model.findAll: "[METHOD] /path/to/resource"

Implements findAll with a HTTP method and url to retrieve instance data.

findAll: "GET /tasks"

If findAll is implemented with a string, this gets converted to a findAllData function which is passed to makeFindAll to create the external findAll method.


  1. METHOD {HttpMethod}

    An HTTP method. Defaults to "GET".

  2. url {STRING}

    The URL of the service to retrieve JSON data.



The service should return a JSON object like:

  "data": [
    { "id" : 1, "name" : "do the dishes" },
    { "id" : 2, "name" : "mow the lawn" },
    { "id" : 3, "name" : "iron my shirts" }

This object is passed to models to turn it into instances.

Note: .findAll can also accept an array, but you probably should not be doing that.

can.Model.findAll: {ajaxSettings}

Implements findAll with a ajax settings object.

findAll: {url: "/tasks", dataType: "json"}

If findAll is implemented with an object, it gets converted to a findAllData function which is passed to makeFindAll to create the external findAll method.


  1. ajaxSettings {can.AjaxSettings}

    A settings object that specifies the options available to pass to can.ajax.


findAll( params, success(instances), error(xhr) ) -> Deferred is used to retrieve model instances from the server. After implementing findAll, use it to retrieve instances of the model like:

Recipe.findAll({favorite: true}, function(recipes){
  recipes[0].attr('name') //-> "Ice Water"
}, function( xhr ){
  // called if an error
}) //-> Deferred

Before you can use findAll, you must implement it.

Implement with a URL

Implement findAll with a url like:

Recipe = can.Model.extend({
  findAll : "/recipes.json"

The server should return data that looks like:

  {"id" : 57, "name": "Ice Water"},
  {"id" : 58, "name": "Toast"}

Implement with an Object

Implement findAll with an object that specifies the parameters to can.ajax (jQuery.ajax) like:

Recipe = can.Model.extend({
  findAll : {
    url: "/recipes.xml",
    dataType: "xml"

Implement with a Function

To implement with a function, findAll is passed params to filter the instances retrieved from the server and it should return a deferred that resolves to an array of model data. For example:

Recipe = can.Model.extend({
  findAll : function(params){
    return $.ajax({
      url: '/recipes.json',
      type: 'get',
      dataType: 'json'})