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can.Map.attributes is a plugin that helps convert and normalize data being set on an Map and allows you to specify the way complex types get serialized. The attributes plugin is most helpful when used with can.Model (because the serialization aids in sending data to a server), but you can use it with any Map you plan to make instances from.

There are three important static properties to give the class you want to use attributes with:

  • attributes lists the properties that will be normalized and the types those properties should be.
  • convert lists how to convert and normalize arbitrary values to the types this class uses.
  • serialize lists serialization algorithms for the types this class uses.

Together, the functions in convert and serialize make up the type definitions for the class. The attributes plugin comes with three useful predefined types: 'date', 'number', and 'boolean'.

Here is a quick example of an Map-based class using the attributes plugin to convert and normalize its data, and then to serialize the instance:

Bio = can.Map.extend({
    attributes: {
    birthday: 'date',
    weight: 'number'
// Bio only uses built-in types, so no
// need to specify serialize or convert.
}, {});

var alice = new Bio({
    birthday: Date.parse('1985-04-01'), // 481161600000
    weight: '120'

alice.attr();      // { birthday: Date(481161600000), weight: 120 }
alice.serialize(); // { birthday: 481161600000, weight: 120 }


When a user enters a new date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, the control listens for changes in the input box and updates the Map using the attr method which then converts the string into a JavaScript date object.

Additionally, the control also listens for changes on the Map and updates the age in the page for the new birthdate of the contact.

Reference types

Types listed in attributes can also be a functions, such as the model or models methods of a can.Model. When data of this kind of type is set, this function is used to convert the raw data into an instance of the Model.

This example builds on the previous one to demonstrate these reference types.

Bio = can.Map.extend({
    attributes: {
    birthday: 'date',
    weight: 'number'
// Contact only uses built-in types, so you don't have
// to specify serialize or convert.
}, {});

Contact = can.Map.extend({
    attributes: {
        bio: 'Bio.newInstance'
}, {});

var alice = new Contact({
    first: 'Alice',
    last: 'Liddell',
    bio: {
        birthday: Date.parse('1985-04-01'), // 481161600000
        weight: 120

The Attributes plugin provides functionality for converting data attributes from raw types and serializing complex types for the server.

Below is an example code of an Map providing serialization and conversion for dates and numbers.

When Contact is initialized, the weight attribute is set and converted to a number using the converter we provided. Next the birthday attribute is set using the attr method and gets converted as well. Lastly, serialize is invoked converting the new attributes to raw types for the server.

var Contact = can.Map.extend({
    attributes: {
        birthday: 'date',
        weight: 'number'
    serialize : {
        date : function( val, type ){
            // returns the string formatted as 'YYYY-DD-MM'
            return val.getYear() + 
                    "-" + (val.getMonth() + 1) + 
                    "-" + val.getDate(); 
        number: function(val){
            return val + '';
    convert: {
        // converts string to date
        date: function( date ) {
            if ( typeof date == 'string' ) {
                //- Extracts dates formated 'YYYY-DD-MM'
                var matches = raw.match( /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/ ); 
                //- Parses to date object and returns
                date = new Date( matches[ 1 ],
                        ( +matches[ 2 ] ) - 1, 
                        matches[ 3 ] ); 
            return date;
        // converts string to number
        number: function(number){
            if(typeof number === 'string'){
                number = parseInt(number);
            return number;
}, {});

var brian = new Contact({
    weight: '300'

var weight = brian.attr('weight'); //-> 300

//- sets brian's birthday
brian.attr('birthday', '11-29-1983');

var date = brian.attr('birthday'); //-> Date()

var seralizedObj = brian.serialize();
//-> { 'birthday': '11-29-1983', 'weight': '300' }

Converter functions

Another common case is to create converter functions (function(value, oldValue) {}) that return a converted value:

var ValueMap = can.Map.extend({
    attributes: {
        value: function(orig) {
            return orig * 100;

console.log(new ValueMap({ value: 0.83 }).attr('value'));


The attribute plugin also allows setting up data associations between Maps or Models. This means that nested data structures can be automatically converted into their Map or Model (using Model.models) representations by passing them as the attribute. If the value to convert is an array it will be converted into its can.Map.List or can.Model.List (using can.Model.models) representation:

var Sword = can.Model.extend({
    findAll: 'GET /swords'
}, {
    getPower: function() {
        return this.attr('power') * 100;

var Level = can.Model.extend({
    findAll: 'GET /levels'
}, {
    getName: function() {
        return 'Level: ' + this.attr('name');

var Zelda = can.Model.extend({
    findOne: 'GET /zelda/{id}'
    attributes: {
        sword: Sword,
        levelsCompleted: Level

Assuming that Zelda.findOne({ id: 'link' }) will return something like:

    sword: {
        name: 'Wooden Sword',
        power: 0.2
    levelsCompleted : [
        {id: 1, name: 'Aquamentus'},
        {id: 2, name: 'Dodongo'}

The converted data will contain a list or Levels and a sword Model:

Zelda.findOne({ id: 'link' }).then(function(link) {
    console.log(link.attr('sword').getPower()); // -> 20
    // -> 'Level: Aquamentus'


Below is a demo that showcases associations between 2 different models to show the tasks for each contact and how much time they have left to complete the task(s) using converters.