jQuery plugin

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The can.Control.plugin extension is a plugin for creating and accessing controls with jQuery helper methods. It uses the control's fullName or a static pluginName attribute for the name of the control.

For example, the following plugin:

var Tabs = can.Control({
  pluginName : 'tabs'
  init : function(element, options, arg1){ },
  update : function(options) {}

Can now be created directly on the jQuery collection like:


Note: This plugin only supports jQuery.

Invoking Methods

You can invoke methods on a control instance after its created through a few different approaches.

Once a controller is initialized on a DOM element, you can invoke a method by calling the plugin with the method name followed by the parameters for that method. When calling a method and it returns a value other than undefined, this value will be returned. Otherwise the method call will return the jQuery object (for chaining).

var MyTodo = can.Control({
  pluginName : 'my_todo'
}, {
  addTask: function(name, task){
    this.element.append(name + ": " + task)

  getTasks : function() {
    return this.element.text();

// Initialize MyTodo

// Calls addTask, returns the jQuery element
$('.my_todo').my_todo("addTask", 'Brian', 'Sweep garage') // -> jQuery
// Calls getTasks, returns the element text
$('.my_todo').my_todo("getTasks") // -> Brian: Sweep garage

You can also retrieve the control instance and invoke the method directly.

var control = $('.my_todo').control();
control.addTask('Brian', 'Sweep garage');

For more information on this, see jQuery.fn.control or jQuery.fn.controls.


The following demo shows creating a plugin widget and then updating the widget's times variable for each time the button was clicked.