
  • function

Listen to events on this Model.

model.bind(eventName, handler)


  1. eventName {String}

    The event to bind to.

  2. handler {function()}

    The function to call when the event occurs. handler is passed the event and the Model instance.



The Model, for chaining.

bind(eventName, handler(ev, args...) ) is used to listen to events on this model instance. Example:

Task = can.Model.extend()
var task = new Task({name : "dishes"})
task.bind("name", function(ev, newVal, oldVal){})

Use bind the same as bind which should be used as a reference for listening to property changes.

Bind on model can be used to listen to when an instance is:

  • created
  • updated
  • destroyed


Task = can.Model.extend()
var task = new Task({name : "dishes"})

task.bind("created", function(ev, newTask){
     console.log("created", newTask)
.bind("updated", function(ev, updatedTask){
  console.log("updated", updatedTask)
.bind("destroyed", function(ev, destroyedTask){
     console.log("destroyed", destroyedTask)

// create, update, and destroy{
  task.attr('name', "do dishes")

bind also extends the inherited behavior of bind to track the number of event bindings on this object which is used to store the model instance. When there are no bindings, the model instance is removed from the store, freeing memory.