Template Acquisition

  • page

There are number of ways to acquire templates such as: raw text, URL, or script tags in the markup.

Raw Text

Raw text can be templated by passing the text containing your template. For example:

var text = "My body lies over the {{.}}",
    template = can.stache(text),
    fragment = template("ocean");


Script Tags

Inline script tags in your HTML document can be used to render templates. Set the type to text/stache and the id as a unique key can.view will use for look up.

<script id="mytemplate" type="text/stache">
    My body lies over the {{.}}

var fragment = can.view("#mytemplate", 'water');


Templates can be defined in their own files and can.view will fetch the files on render.

var fragment = can.view('//lib/views/mytemplate.stache', 

Since this could potentially make several XHR requests, in a big application this could be a performance concern. Creating a build step to concatenate and include all of the views in one file would be one way to optimize performance. If you are using Steal, it will do this automatically at build for you.