
  • function

Deprecated 2.1

Prior to 2.1, .models was used to convert the ajax responses into a data format useful for converting them into an observable list AND for converting them into that list. In 2.1, parseModels should be used to convert the ajax responses into a data format useful to models.

Convert raw data into can.Model instances. Merge data with items in the store if matches are found.

can.Model.models(data[, oldList])


  1. data {Array<Object>}

    The raw data from a findAll() request.

  2. oldList {can.Model.List}Optional

    If supplied, this List will be updated with the data from data.



A List of Models made from the raw data.


.models(data) is used to create a can.Model.List of can.Model instances with the data provided. If an item in data matches an instance in the store, that instance will be merged with the item's data and inserted in the list.

For example

Task = can.Model.extend({},{})

var t1 = new Task({id: 1, name: "dishes"});

// Binding on a model puts it in the store.
t1.bind("change", function(){})

var tasks = Task.models([
 {id: 1, name : "dishes", complete : false},
 {id: 2, name: "laundry", complete: true}

t1 === tasks.attr(0) //-> true
t1.attr("complete")  //-> false