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Deprecated 2.3

This validations plugin will be removed in 3.0. It will be replaced by can-validate.

The can/map/validations plugin provides validations on maps. Validations are set on can.Map's static init function.

The following validates the birthday attribute in Contacts:

Contact = can.Map.extend({
    init : function(){
        // validates that birthday is in the future
            if(birthday > new Date){
                return "your birthday needs to be in the past"

var contact = new Contact({birthday: new Date(2012,0) })

Use errors ( [attrs...], newVal ) to read errors or to test if setting a value would create an error:

// Check if there are errors on the instance
contact.errors() //-> null - there are no errors

// Test if setting birthday to new Date(3013,0) would error
               new Date(3013,0) ) 
               //-> ["your birthday needs to be in the past"] 

// Set birthday anyway
contact.attr("birthday", new Date(3013,0) )

// Get all errors
    //-> {
    //     birthday: ["your birthday needs to be in the past"]
    //   }
// Get errors for birthday
    //-> ["your birthday needs to be in the past"]

Validation Methods

The most basic validate method is validate().

There are several built-in validation methods so you don't have to define your own in all cases like in the birthday example above.

Error Method

can.Map.errors() runs the validations on this model. You can also pass it an array of attributes to run only those attributes. It returns nothing if there are no errors, or an object of errors by attribute.

To use validations, it's required you use the map/validations plugin.

Task = can.Map.extend({
    init : function(){

var task = new Task(),
    errors = task.errors()

errors.dueDate[0] //-> "can't be empty"

Listening to events

Use bind to listen to error messages:

contact.bind("error", function(ev, attr, errors){
    // attr = "birthday"
    // errors = { birthday: 
    //      ["your birthday needs to be in the past"] }


Click a person's name to update their birthday. If you put the date in the future, say the year 2525, it will report back an error.