steal("can/util", function(can){
steal("can/util", function(can){
there are things that you need to evaluate when you get them back as a property read for example a compute or a function you might need to call to get the next value to actually check
to prevent reading an ending compute. This is used by component to get a
compute as a delegate. In 3.0, this should be removed and force people to write “{@prop} change”this
will be correct.Callbacks
var read = function (parent, reads, options) {
options = options || {};
var state = {
foundObservable: false
is the current value.
var cur = readValue(parent, 0, reads, options, state),
is the object we are reading from.
did we find an observable.
readLength = reads.length,
i = 0;
while( i < readLength ) {
prev = cur;
try to read the property
for(var r=0, readersLength = read.propertyReaders.length; r < readersLength; r++) {
var reader = read.propertyReaders[r];
if(reader.test(cur)) {
cur =, reads[i], i, options, state);
break; // there can be only one reading of a property
i = i+1;
read the value if it is a compute or function
cur = readValue(cur, i, reads, options, state, prev);
type = typeof cur;
early exit if need be
if (i < reads.length && (cur === null || type !== 'function' && type !== 'object')) {
if (options.earlyExit) {
options.earlyExit(prev, i - 1, cur);
return undefined so we know this isn’t the right value
return {
value: undefined,
parent: prev
if we don’t have a value, exit early.
if (cur === undefined) {
if (options.earlyExit) {
options.earlyExit(prev, i - 1);
return {
value: cur,
parent: prev
var isAt = function(index, reads) {
var prevRead = reads[index-1];
return prevRead &&;
var readValue = function(value, index, reads, options, state, prev){
if the previous read is AT false … we shouldn’t be doing this;
var usedValueReader;
do {
usedValueReader = false;
for(var i =0, len = read.valueReaders.length; i < len; i++){
if( read.valueReaders[i].test(value, index, reads, options) ) {
value = read.valueReaders[i].read(value, index, reads, options, state, prev);
usedValueReader = true;
} while(usedValueReader);
return value;
value readers check the current value and get a new value from it ideally they would keep calling until none of these passed
read.valueReaders = [{
name: "compute",
compute value reader
test: function(value, i, reads, options){
return value && value.isComputed && !isAt(i, reads);
read: function(value, i, reads, options, state){
if(options.readCompute === false && i === reads.length ) {
return value;
if (!state.foundObservable && options.foundObservable) {
options.foundObservable(value, i);
state.foundObservable = true;
return value instanceof can.Compute ? value.get() : value();
name: "function",
if this is a function before the last read and its not a constructor function
test: function(value, i, reads, options){
var type = typeof value;
i = reads.length if this is the last iteration of the read for-loop.
return type === 'function' && !value.isComputed &&
!(can.Construct && value.prototype instanceof can.Construct) &&
!(can.route && value === can.route);
read: function(value, i, reads, options, state, prev){
if( isAt(i, reads) ) {
return i === reads.length ? can.proxy(value, prev) : value;
else if(options.callMethodsOnObservables && can.isMapLike(prev)) {
return value.apply(prev, options.args || []);
else if ( options.isArgument && i === reads.length ) {
return options.proxyMethods !== false ? can.proxy(value, prev) : value;
return value.apply(prev, options.args || []);
propertyReaders actually read a property value
read.propertyReaders = [
read a can.Map or can.route
name: "map",
test: can.isMapLike,
read: function(value, prop, index, options, state){
if (!state.foundObservable && options.foundObservable) {
options.foundObservable(value, index);
state.foundObservable = true;
var res = value.attr(prop.key);
if(res !== undefined) {
return res;
} else {
return value[prop.key];
read a promise
name: "promise",
test: function(value){
return can.isPromise(value);
read: function(value, prop, index, options, state){
if (!state.foundObservable && options.foundObservable) {
options.foundObservable(value, index);
state.foundObservable = true;
var observeData = value.__observeData;
if(!value.__observeData) {
observeData = value.__observeData = {
isPending: true,
state: "pending",
isResolved: false,
isRejected: false,
value: undefined,
reason: undefined
proto based would be faster
can.simpleExtend(observeData, can.event);
observeData.isPending = false;
observeData.isResolved = true;
observeData.value = value;
observeData.state = "resolved";
}, function(reason){
observeData.isPending = false;
observeData.isRejected = true;
observeData.reason = reason;
observeData.state = "rejected";
return prop.key in observeData ? observeData[prop.key] : value[prop.key];
read a normal object
name: "object",
this is the default
test: function(){return true;},
read: function(value, prop){
if(value == null) {
return undefined;
} else {
if(prop.key in value) {
return value[prop.key];
TODO: remove in 3.0. This is for backwards compat with @key and @index.
else if( && specialRead[prop.key] && ( ("@"+prop.key) in value)) {
!steal-remove-start"Use %"+prop.key+" in place of @"+prop.key+".");
!steal-remove-end = false;
return value["@"+prop.key];
var specialRead = {index: true, key: true, event: true, element: true, viewModel: true};
This should be able to set a property similar to how read works.
read.write = function(parent, key, value, options) {
options = options || {};
if(can.isMapLike(parent)) {
HACK! … check if the attr is a comptue, if it is, set it.
if(!options.isArgument && parent._data && parent._data[key] && parent._data[key].isComputed) {
return parent._data[key](value);
} else {
return parent.attr(key, value);
if(parent[key] && parent[key].isComputed) {
return parent[key](value);
if(typeof parent === 'object') {
parent[key] = value;
read.reads = function(key) {
var keys = [];
var last = 0;
var at = false;
if( key.charAt(0) === "@" ) {
last = 1;
at = true;
var keyToAdd = "";
for(var i = last; i < key.length; i++) {
var character = key.charAt(i);
if(character === "." || character === "@") {
if( key.charAt(i -1) !== "\\" ) {
key: keyToAdd,
at: at
at = character === "@";
keyToAdd = "";
} else {
keyToAdd = keyToAdd.substr(0,keyToAdd.length - 1) + ".";
} else {
keyToAdd += character;
key: keyToAdd,
at: at
return keys;
return read;