{{helper args hashes}}

  • function

Calls a mustache helper function and inserts its return value into the rendered template.

{{helper [args...] [hashProperty=hashValue...]}}

Calls a mustache helper function or a function. For example:

The template:

<p>{{madLib "Lebron James" verb 4 foo="bar"}}</p>

Rendered with:

{verb: "swept"}

Will call a madLib helper with the following arguements:

  function(subject, verb, number, options){
    // subject -> "Lebron James"
    // verb -> "swept"
    // number -> 4
    // options.hash.foo -> "bar"


  1. helper {key}

    A key that finds a helper function that is either registered or found within the current or parent context.

  2. args {key | String | Number}Optional Variable

    Space seperated arguments that get passed to the helper function as arguments. If the key's value is a:

  3. hashProperty {String}

    A property name that gets added to a helper options's hash object.

  4. hashValue {key | String | Number}

    A value that gets set as a property value of the helper option argument's hash object.


The {{helper}} syntax is used to call out to Mustache helper functions functions that may contain more complex functionality. helper is a key that must match either:

The following example shows both cases.

The Template:

<p>{{greeting}} {{user}}</p>

Rendered with data:

  user: function(){ return "Justin" }

And a with a registered helper like:

can.Mustache.registerHelper('greeting', function(){
  return "Hello"

Results in:

<p>Hello Justin</p>


Arguments can be passed from the template to helper function by listing space seperated strings, numbers or other keys after the helper name. For example:

The template:

<p>{{madLib "Lebron James" verb 4}}</p>

Rendered with:

{verb: "swept"}

Will call a madLib helper with the following arguements:

  function(subject, verb, number, options){
    // subject -> "Lebron James"
    // verb -> "swept"
    // number -> 4

If an argument key value is a can.Observe property, the Observe's property is converted to a getter/setter can.compute. For example:

The template:

<p>What! My name is: {{mr user.name}}</p>

Rendered with:

{user: new can.Observe({name: "Slim Shady"})}

Needs the helper to check if name is a function or not:

  return "Mr. "+ (typeof name === "function" ?

This behavior enables two way binding helpers and is explained in more detail on the helper functions docs.


If enumerated arguments isn't an appropriate way to configure the behavior of a helper, it's possible to pass a hash of key-value pairs to the helper option argument's hash object. Properties and values are specified as hashProperty=hashValue. For example:

The template:

<p>My {{excuse who=pet how="shreded"}}</p>

` And the helper:

  return ["My",
    options.hash.who || "dog".
    options.hash.how || "ate",
    options.hash.what || "homework"].join(" ")

Render with:

{pet: "cat"}

Results in:

<p>My cat shareded my homework</p>

Returning an element callback function

If a helper returns a function, that function is called back after the template has been rendered into DOM elements. This can be used to create mustache tags that have rich behavior. Read about it on the helper function page.