
  • property



Specifies the type of List that findAll should return.


A can.Model's List property is the type of List returned from findAll. For example:

Task = can.Model.extend({ findAll: "/tasks" },{})

Task.findAll({}, function(tasks){ tasks instanceof Task.List //-> true })

Overwrite a Model's List property to add custom behavior to the lists provided to findAll like:

Task = can.Model.extend({ findAll: "/tasks" },{}) Task.List = Task.List.extend({ completed: function(){ var count = 0; this.each(function(task){ if( task.attr("completed") ) count++; }) return count; } })

Task.findAll({}, function(tasks){ tasks.completed() //-> 3 })

When can.Model is extended, can.Model.List is extended and set as the extended Model's List property. The extended list's Map property is set to the extended Model. For example:

Task = can.Model.extend({ findAll: "/tasks" },{}) Task.List.Map //-> Task