NodeList typedef can.NodeList {Object} inherits: From source A "NodeList" is Library Specific implementation of an array of DOM elements. can.$ returns a "NodeList" and element is a "NodeList". Object The following details the "NodeList" object used by each library. jQuery jQuery( HTMLElement ) A jQuery-wrapped list of elements. nodeList.text("Hello World") Zepto Zepto( HTMLElement ) A Zepto-wrapped list of elements. nodeList.text("Hello World") Dojo new dojo.NodeList( HTMLElement ) Dojo's dojo.NodeList constructor function. nodeList.text("Hello World") Mootools $$( HTMLElement ) The Mootools Elements object. nodeList.empty().appendText("Hello World") YUI YUI's NodeList. nodeList.set('text',"Hello World")
The following details the "NodeList" object used by each library.
jQuery( HTMLElement )
A jQuery-wrapped list of elements.
Zepto( HTMLElement )
A Zepto-wrapped list of elements.
new dojo.NodeList( HTMLElement )
Dojo's dojo.NodeList constructor function.
$$( HTMLElement )
The Mootools Elements object.
YUI's NodeList.