Works with jQuery, Dojo, Mootools, YUI, and Zepto. Reuse your existing templates.
2-way binding, restful models, custom tags, observables, memory safety, and more.
Fast templates, responsive widgets, and you can learn it in a day.
CanJS is a JavaScript library that makes developing complex applications simple and fast. Easy-to-learn, small, and unassuming of your application structure, but with modern features like custom tags and 2-way binding. Creating apps is easy and maintainable.
Simple To Use
Observables and live binding do the work for you.
var Todo = can.Model.extend({ findAll: 'GET /todos', findOne: 'GET /todos/{id}', update: 'PUT /todos/{id}', destroy: 'DELETE /todos/{id}' }, {}); can.Component.extend({ tag: 'todos-app', scope: { selectedTodo: null, todos: new Todo.List({}), select: function(todo){ this.attr('selectedTodo', todo); }, save: function(todo) { todo.save(); this.removeAttr('selectedTodo'); } } })
<todos-app> <h2>Todays to-dos</h2> {{#selectedTodo}} <input type="text" ({$value})="description" ($change)="save()"> {{/selectedTodo}} <ul> {{#each todos}} <li> <input type="checkbox" ({$checked})="complete"> <span class="{{#if complete}}done{{/if}}" ($click)="select()"> {{description}} </span> <button ($click)="destroy()"></button> </li> {{/each}} </ul> </todos-app>